Your Voice in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

State Rep. Carl Walker Metzgar represents the 69th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, serving most of Somerset County.

Contact Carl

How Can My Office Serve You?

My staff will be happy to help you with state-related issues. A few services offered include car registrations; driver’s license renewal and special tags; property tax/rent rebate applications; birth certificate and death record applications; and much more.

Office Services

Meet Carl

A lifelong resident of Somerset County, PA State Rep. Carl Walker Metzgar brings a strong agricultural and business-oriented background to his role in Harrisburg. Carl is deeply committed to the conservative and traditional values of personal responsibility, hard work, and a steadfast belief in the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States. As a strong protector of the Second Amendment, he upholds the principle that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be questioned."

During his tenure, Carl has been a tireless advocate for the citizens of the 69th Legislative District, championing legislation to reduce government control, lower taxes, and promote a strong economy. He has also focused on public safety, supporting measures to enhance penalties for assaults against corrections staff and backing law enforcement initiatives.

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