Metzgar Reminds Farmers of Specialty Crop Block Grants

August 11, 2021

HARRISBURG – Rep. Carl Walker Metzgar (R-Bedford/Somerset) encourages farmers to apply for the Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant program.

On Monday, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture announced the $460,000 grant program, created under PA Farm Bill in 2019 and renewed a third time for the 2021-22 state budget. Eligible projects will stimulate market growth and enhance the competitive position of crops designated as high priority for their potential to feed Pennsylvania’s economy and boost environmental sustainability.

“State Specialty Crop Block Grants invest in the future of specialty crops in Pennsylvania,” Metzgar said. “In addition, a percentage of funds will be designated to projects in rural communities with at least 20% of the population below the federal poverty line.”

Eligible high-priority crops include hemp, hops, hardwoods, honey; and barley, rye and wheat for distilling, brewing and malting.

Proposals must be submitted through the Department of Community and Economic Development’s Electronic Single Application. Applicants with questions about eligible projects or procedures should email Morgan Sheffield, the department’s grants manager, at

Representative Carl Walker Metzgar
69th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Huntre Keip

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